Shy pony coloring page

Small yellow pony w/ purple mane/tail, gentle face/long pink lashes, 3 pink flowers cutie mark, standing in meadow full of tall grasses/wildflowers.
This sweet little yellow pony stands serenely in a meadow of tall grass and vibrant wildflowers. Her beautiful mane and tail flow gently in a light hue of purple, making her stand out even more amongst the nature that surrounds her. Her soft face is characterized by big, deep eyes and long, curled pink eyelashes. Her cutie mark of three pink flowers completes her ethereal look. When coloring this page, try to capture the delicate air of the scene. Shade the flowers lightly with blue tones, and use warm colors of yellow and orange to make the grass look alive in the sunlight. Pick colors appropriate for the pony's mane and tail, such as lavender and pink to bring out its gentle feeling. Finally, finish off with deep browns in the eyes to show the pony's kind personality.