Applejack with a hat coloring page

A brown horse with a white muzzle wears a tan cowboy hat, and its right ear is inside out. #horsestyle
This beautiful brown horse with a white muzzle is giving off a charming western vibe. The tan cowboy hat on its head and its ear flipped inward, give it an endearing yet rustic look. If you're looking to add some color to this coloring page, you could try something simple yet powerful, such as a burnt orange for the hat and a dark olive for the horse's coat. To make the image even more vibrant, try adding accents of teal along the horse's mane, and mauve for the muzzle. For the details, you can use a lighter shade of orange to outline the external edges of the hat and a warm tan to outline the internal edges. With these colors, you'll be able to bring this beautifully simple illustration to life.