Pony Rainbow Dash coloring page

A blue pony with a rainbow mane & tail stands on a cloud with her arms crossed & a smug expression.
This blue pony with a rainbow mane and tail is sure of herself - you can tell by the smug expression on her face as she stands atop a fluffy white cloud. Her mane and tail shimmer in the sunlight, while her arms are crossed confidently. To further emphasize the vibrancy of the pony's mane, I would suggest giving it some light pink highlights and lavender contours. I would make the tail even more vibrant and multi-colored by incorporating yellows, reds, oranges and purples. To really make this image stand out, I would add a bright yellow sun in the background and some bursts of other colors in the sky around it. Lastly, I would color the cloud in shades of white and blue to emphasize the strength of the blue pony.