Captain America coloring page

Captain America is a patriotic Marvel superhero who, enhanced by experimental serum, fights for US in WW2. Popular & recognizable around the Marvel Universe.
This iconic coloring page depicts Captain America, the star-spangled superhero first appearing in 1941. Steve Rogers, the alter-ego of Captain America, underwent a transformation to become the perfect physical specimen due to a top-secret serum. Now seen as the US's symbol of patriotism and strength, Captain America stands with his shield ready to repel any danger. To give your coloring page the optimal patriotic feel, start by using a deep blue for the background and the iconic red and white for the star pattern on Captain America's costume. Shade in the details of the costume and shield with varying degrees of light and dark blues and grays. Add in a touch of red to give your page a vibrant look. For the face, use a light flesh tone with added dark areas around the eyes and mouth for a realistic look. Finish off with white for the eyes, eyebrows and teeth to complete the page.