Fairy in a dress of petals coloring page

Fairy in petal dress stands in tall grass, sun behind casting long shadow, wings of gossamer, hair of spun gold, and holds a flower.
A vibrant fairy stands in a lush green field. Her dress is made of delicate petals that appear to be as light as air. Rays of sunlight pour in from behind her, enveloping her body in a majestic golden hue. Her silken wings are touched with warm sunlight, creating a dreamlike image. Her locks of spun gold with wispy strands that trail down her back like a veil. In her hand she delicately holds a single flower, its petals a deep maroon. I would use a range of hues to create this magic moment. I'd start with two main colors to give the fairy her vibrant and delicate look: a peachy-pink for the dress and a warm bronze for her hair and wings. Light yellow tones to give the grass and flower dimension and complement the warmth of the sun. Finally, I'd use a richer orange to highlight the fairy's silhouette and bring out the beautiful maroon petal. Together these colors will allow you to create a luminous image of a fairy standing in a sunlit meadow.