Star Lord coloring page

Man floats in space w/meteor behind him, wearing dark & red suit & long red cape, holding a black blaster & red mask conceals eyes.
The scene displayed on this coloring page is awe-inspiring! The man is hurtling through space, his long, red cape billowing in the cosmic breeze. His power and courage is accentuated by the bright red and orange meteor shining behind him. He has donned a dark blue and red suit and holds a large, black blaster in one hand. His eyes are hidden beneath a striking, red mask that emphasizes his mysterious presence and courage. To create a living masterpiece, try adding cosmic blues and reds to starkly contrast the dark blues and reds of the cape and suit. Illuminate the man with yellow and orange to highlight his heroic nature. For a finishing touch, add stars and galaxies around him to truly capture the feeling of a man in the vastness of space.