Princess with a flower in her hand coloring page

Young princess in a sunny field holding a flower, wearing a white dress and a golden crown.
The young princess is happily standing in a blustery field surrounded by lush greenery and a single, brilliant yellow sunflower in her hand. The sky is a brilliant blue dotted with puffy white clouds, and the sun is beaming down on her, lighting up the princess' bright face. Her dress is a delicate white fabric made with soft, fringed layers that flow around her feet, topped off with a golden crown atop her head, making her feel like a true queen of the kingdom. When coloring this beautiful scene, use bright and cheerful shades for the sky and sunflower that contrast nicely with the warm, light tones of the princess' dress, as well as soft earthy browns and greens for the background and grass. For the sun, a vibrant yellow with a hint of orange and red would be absolutely perfect. Finally, a hint of sparkly silver for the prince's crown would perfectly illustrate her regal status.