Barbie the mermaid coloring page

#140char: Barbie is a mermaid ready to explore the ocean! She has a long pink dress, blonde curls & tropical accents like a bracelet & seashell in her hair.
Barbie is a beautiful mermaid ready to explore the ocean depths! Her dress is a luxurious and flowing pink and looks like it's made of seaweed. Her long and wavy blonde hair cascades down her back and is adorned with a pink seashell at the top. On her wrist is a charming bracelet made of a pink seashell. In terms of coloring, why not focus on bringing out the rich colors of her dress and hair? Give her a deep pink hue and make the seaweed an even deeper striking purple. Use a pale pink to tie the seashell and bracelet together, while a cool blue to hint at the ocean and coral reef she's ready to explore. With Barbie, the possibilities are endless!