Little Mermaid Adventures coloring page

Mermaids and sirens gather around a treasure chest, wearing bright dresses and with long hair. Some mermaids have fish tails, some sirens have wings. They open the chest, happy and excited.
This coloring page features a lively scene of mermaids and sirens gathered around a treasure chest. Their vibrant costumes are punctuated by the sirens' colorful wings and the mermaids' shimmering fishtails. All of the creatures seem to be delighted with what lies inside the chest, their eyes wide with anticipation and smiles beaming from their faces. To bring this colorful scene to life, imagine splashing each character with bright shades of pink, blue, green, and purple. The treasure chest should be given an even more vibrant coat of color, allowing the viewer to make out its intricate details. As a final touch, add a hint of gold to bring the magical scene to life!