Ballerina on stage coloring page

A ballerina stands on pointe in a pale pink tutu, hair pulled back, arm raised, with a serious expression.
The ballerina stands in the center of the page, gracefully poised on one leg and stretching her arm above her head. She wears a pale pink tutu and a white headband, and her shoulder-length hair is pulled back into a tight bun. Her face is set in a serious gaze, as if concentrating deeply on her performance. To make the image as vibrant and striking as possible, consider contrasting light and dark shades. Use a deep pink for the tutu and a pastel white for the headband. For her skin, opt for a rosy pink to bring life to her complexion. Aim for a variety of blues for her eyes, to emphasize her concentration even further. To complete the look, add some warm accents such as reddish-brown tones to the hair and lighter pinks to the raised arm. This will create a visual composition that has depth and captivates the audience.