Ballerina with a fan coloring page

Ballerina stands gracefully on one leg, fan in front of face, in white tutu and ballet slippers.
This beautiful ballerina stands in a graceful pose, one leg outstretched behind her and the other in an arabesque. She holds a large white fan in front of her face, her white tutu and ballet shoes creating an elegant silhouette. The white of the tutu and fan contrast with her pink skin, and the tulle of her skirt adds a delicate texture to the image. To add to the dreamy atmosphere, I'd suggest coloring the tutu in a light pastel blue, framing the ballerina with a dusky lavender. Her slippers and fan would be a glimmering ivory with a pale yellow and a soft pink highlighting their edges. For the finishing touches, add a warm, rosy blush to her cheeks and a few stars in the sky behind her.