Flora coloring page

Tall, slender plant has long, thin, green leaves with a wavy texture and no flowers or fruit.
This coloring page presents a unique sight of nature in our environment. Upon closer inspection, we can observe a slender and tall plant with long and thin leaves that have a wavy texture. The leaves of this plant range from a bright green to a softer and lighter green. As this is a blank canvas, one can decide how they would like to express themselves and fill it with their favorite colors. To bring out the ‘wave’ of the leaves, one could use blues and purples to reflect a watery effect, making this picturesque plant come alive under a starry night sky. The stem of the plant can be given a slightly darker shade of green to create a 3D effect as it tapers up to the leaves. Adding a bright yellow to the center may bring the coloring page to life, giving the appearance of a firefly or a flower that has yet to bloom.