Flora 5 season coloring page

5 seasons rep'd in Flora 5 coloring page: Autumn (oranges, yellows/ fallen leaves), Winter (whites, blues/ no leaves, snow), Spring (greens, pinks/ new leaves, flowers), Summer (greens, yellows/ leaves, fruits), Fall (oranges, yellows/ changing leaves).
This Flora 5 coloring page is a delightful scene depicting the five different seasons. Starting with Autumn, the picture shows the leaves of the tree turning into rich gradients of orange and yellow. The Winter season is signified by rich shades of blue and white, with a bit of snow on the ground and the tree having no leaves. Spring brings in a lighter environmental atmosphere of green and pink, with plenty of blossoming foliage on the tree and sprouting flowers around it. Summer stands out with bright green and yellow, with the tree showcasing its remarkable fruit-bearing activities. Finally, the Fall is depicted with an array of orange, yellow and red hues, with leaves beginning to turn vibrant colors. Whichever season you prefer, this page is sure to set you in the right mood to help you color your dream season. Bring out your inner artist and make this page a visual masterpiece, full of bright colors and intricate details!