Flora Sirenix coloring page

Girl stands in pink & purple gown, pink & purple wings, gold tiara & pink star wand. #magic
This beautiful girl stands proudly in her pink and purple gown with delicate sheer sleeves, while her long pink hair cascades around her shoulders. Her wings match the colors of her dress, with pink and purple tints, and the same colors are seen on her tail. A shining golden tiara rests atop her head, and she grasps a sparkling pink star wand in her hand. To bring out her majestic beauty, you may want to color the outline of her gown, wings and tail with a deep purple hue. Her long pink locks could be shaded to a rosy pink and her tiara with a light golden shade. To give her wand an extra twinkle, you can use a lighter pink color and a hint of glitter.