Roxy coloring page

Young girl singing into a mic, wearing a flowy dress and carrying a guitar. Smiling broadly. #music #happy
A bright-eyed, beaming girl stands in the spotlight as she sings into the microphone. Her long, brown hair cascades down her back and is complimented by her wide, illuminated smile. She wears a light blue flowy dress cinched at her waist with a simple brown belt. Her left hand grasps the neck of a sun-yellow guitar with the strings and fret board picked out in white. The overall feeling this coloring page exudes is one of joy and absolute bliss. To color the page, I would use light, pastel shades as the base, with brighter, more vibrant tones to define the character and bring these elements to life. Eyes can be fleshed out using warm, brown tones and a bright, pink gloss for rosy lips. The microphone can be black, with a yellow circle to represent the sound, while the guitar should be brought to life with splashes of pink, orange and blue. Finally, brighten up the dress with purple, turquoise and yellows.