Muse in a hat coloring page

Muse wearing hat and white garment smiles, hat tilted to side in inspiring coloring page.
The Muse in the coloring page looks peaceful and content as it gazes off to the side with a small, gentle smile. Its hat has been tilted to the side, adding an element of jauntiness to the small figure. The Muse is wearing a white garment, the color of which helps to bring the focus of the page to the delightfully drawn figure. When adding color to this page, consider using bright, bold colors to bring the figure to life. A light sky blue could be used for the garment, with accents of pinks and purples in the hat bringing out its details and adding a soft touch. A pale yellow around the Muse's face would bring out its warmth and kindness. Finally, a lush burst of green around the edges of the figure and in the background would capture the sense of joy that the Muse is radiating.