Sorceress Bloom coloring page

Bloom stands in a field w/ arms and whip outstretched, surrounded by swirling green aura. She wears a green dress and hair's wild and free. #MagicalGirl
Bloom stands before us in a world of verdant beauty. The tall grass stands boldly around her, part of the wildness that she embodies. An emerald aura surrounds her, flowing and swirly, as if it were part of her natural aura. She is a beautiful, nature-like being and her expression is one of serene contentment. Her eyes are closed, her head tilted back, as if to take in all that surrounds her. She wears a flowing, green dress and her hair is untamed and free. To color this scene, I would choose a variety of greens and earthy tones to emphasize the beautiful nature in which Bloom stands. To bring out the details of her dress and hair, I would use a lighter teal or blue to create the flowing lines of her dress and warm red-orange colors for her hair. To give the aura around her a dreamlike quality, I would use a mix of pink and lilac colors. Finally, I would use small flecks of gold or silver to make it shimmer and shine.