Birds fly south coloring page

Leaves, trees, and birds in orange and yellow fill a coloring page landscape.
This autumnal coloring page captures the spirit of the season! The leaves are a vibrant mix of oranges, yellows and reds, and the trees provide the perfect backdrop to this colorful scene. Fluffy white clouds float in the sky and birds soar joyfully past. With the sun peeking through the clouds, this coloring page is sure to be a hit with young and old alike. When it comes to color choice, I’d suggest mixing things up! Use pink and purple for the leaves, a subtle blue hue for the trees and an inky black finish for the sky and birds. Not only is this a unique take on the traditional autumnal palette, but it also gives a large range of contrasting colors to bring out the detail of each section. Complement the rest of the page with browns and oranges for the shadows and a bright white for the highlights for a lovely, artsy finish.