Autumn clothes coloring page

Woman wearing light and dark green clothing and accessories, plus dark green boots.
The woman in the coloring page is standing in a peaceful meadow surrounded by tall grass. Her bubbly personality radiates from her twinkling violet eyes, framed by long, fluttering eyelashes. She has a light green dress and a dark green sweater, with a light green scarf wrapped around her neck and a dark green hat on her head. To complete her outfit, she has a pair of dark green boots that are laced up to her mid-calf. To compliment her soft features, I would choose a cream shade for her skin, complemented by a soft pink hue on her blushing cheeks. A wintry combination of blues and purples would look nice on her dress, while brighter greens and yellows would offer a vibrant contrast on her sweater, scarf and hat. To finish off her ensemble, a dark brown would look great on her boots.