Hike coloring page

A hike through a forest filled with leaves, trees, and a river with a bridge. Sun shining, blue sky. Perfect outdoor retreat!
This coloring page is an idyllic image of a tranquil hike through a forest. The scene is ablaze in vivid fall colors—from the yellow and orange leaves scattered on the ground, to the towering green trees with patches of yellow and red scattered among the branches. The sun is shining brightly and the sky is a deep, clear blue, completing the perfect trail picture. A river flows through the forest, providing a peaceful addition to the scene, and a bridge hints of possibilities for further exploration. How to color it? I would color the trees with dark green, using shades such as teal, olive and navy blue to give texture. I would use bright yellow, orange and red to shade the leaves at the bottom, while painting the sky a pale blue and the river a light, shimmering blue. Lastly, I would shade the bridge with gray tones and gray-brown, giving it a weathered look.