Heroes coloring page

The Fantastic Four are a team of four superpowered heroes who fight to protect the innocent from evil forces. #FantasticFour
This coloring page features the Fantastic Four, an iconic group of superhero adventurers. Each member of the team has their own unique powers: Mr. Fantastic has the power of elasticity, the Invisible Woman has the ability to turn invisible and create force fields, the Human Torch can control fire, and the Thing has super strength. To portray these incredible superpowers, the page offers plenty of colors to make these characters more vibrant on the page. A vibrant red can be used to highlight the Human Torch while a light blue can be used to bring the Invisible Woman to life. For the Thing, a darker shade of orange to match his rocky body may be appropriate, while Mr. Fantastic should have colors that depict his elasticity, such as a yellowish green. Showing off their individual powers, as well as the teamwork between the four, this page should be full of colors, making it come to life!