Battle coloring page

Four heroes team up to fight monsters: one punches, one flies, one throws fire, one runs. #roleplaying #superheroes
Four brave heroes have united and stand with their backs to the viewer as they fight against a strange and dangerous force. In the foreground, a hero dressed in a blue costume with a white '4' on his chest throws a powerful punch at a grotesque creature with green skin. On his right, a woman in an orange and black jumpsuit is flying towards the creature with a determined expression. In the background, another hero in a red costume throws an energized fireball at a larger beast, while a fourth hero in a blue costume and white stripes is sprinting towards the danger. The scene is full of action and color, and is sure to thrill any young adventurer. When coloring this picture, vibrant colors are recommended to bring the action to life. The heroes should be in colors that contrast without becoming too overwhelming. For example, the man in the blue costume with the white '4' on his chest could be in shades of navy blue and sky blue. The woman in the orange and black suit could be a mix of bright oranges, deep yellows, and pitch black. The fireball should be a mix of yellows, oranges, and reds, and the rogues should contrast by having colors like emerald greens and dark purples. Use your imagination and add pops of colors wherever you want, bringing the scene to life!