Battle coloring page

The Fantastic Four focus their energy as a glowing, orange ball appears in their circle. Buildings in the background watch on.
This scene shows the Fantastic Four gazing with awe at a glowing orange ball of energy in the center of their circle. They have their arms outstretched, and their palms are emitting a soft glow. They seem to be concentrating all of their might on the mysterious orb, wonderment in their eyes. Out in the horizon we see the sprawling cityscape, lined with imposing towers and glittering windows, attesting to its great height. When it comes to coloring this masterpiece, we'd recommend adding some zing to the energy ball with bright oranges, yellows and reds. The Fantastic Four could be shaded in strong blues and greens, with just a bit of sparkle here and there. The cityscape could come alive with pink, violet and mauve, almost giving the illusion of night settling in over the environment. Whatever you end up doing, we are sure you'll create a stunning piece that will bring these characters to life!