Winter fun coloring page

-> Kids playing in the snow--building a snowman & having a snowball fight!
In the coloring page, there are three children playing in the snow. They are taking time to build a snowman and enjoy a friendly snowball fight. The scene is decorated with snowflakes and pine trees in the background. In the middle, the two bundled up children stand facing each other with armfuls of snow while the other child watches with delight. The snowman they are building is a charming, classic design adorned with a top hat, gloves, and a carved face. To bring the scene to life, color the snowman with holiday cheer using vibrant greens and blues, reds and yellows. The children can be given different colored jackets and accessories like hats, scarves and ear muffs. The sky and trees should be a crisp winter white and and a blanket of snow can fill the ground. Finally, add small but important details like snowflakes, snow tracks, and even rosy cheeks. Let your creativity take center stages as you make the coloring page complete.