Boy skiing in the forest coloring page

Boy skiing down a hill in a snow-covered forest wearing a blue jacket, red pants & yellow scarf; trees also coated in snow. #winterwonderland
The boy in the coloring page is carefreely skiing down a mesmerizing snow-covered hill in the forest. His bright blue jacket and red pants are the perfect contrast to the wintery white snow covering the ground. Hair spilling out of his yellow scarf, the boy is embracing the beauty of the winter wonderland. The trees of the forest are heavy with blankets of snow, and a sprinkle of white snowflakes are falling from the sky. As you color, imagine the fresh air, the joy of the moment, and the beauty of the environment. Bright blue for the boy's jacket, a bold red for his pants and a golden yellow for his scarf will bring this picture to life! The trees can be a cool green and the snow can be colored using white and light blue. The wintery snowflakes can be white or a frosty light blue color - whichever vibe you prefer! Your image is guaranteed to be gorgeous no matter which colors you choose.