Snowflake ornament coloring page

Glittery paper snowflakes in various sizes on a pale blue background - a wintery wonderland!
This fun and creative coloring page features a sky blue background with five-pointed paper snowflakes held in place with straight pins. Each snowflake is unique, with the biggest one located in the middle and the smallest ones on the edges. It's a great coloring page if you want to explore your imagination! When coloring this page, why not start with a light shade of blue for the background? You can then pick out different shades of blue for the snowflakes, or you could use other wintery colors to make the scene look festive and bright. You could add silver sparkle accents or glitter to some of the snowflakes to make them stand out. And don't forget to leave some of the snowflakes white! Whatever color combination you choose, this is sure to be a fun and vibrant piece of artwork.