Miraculous star announces the birth of Jesus Christ coloring page

Clear sky & shining star! Halo encircles star pointing down. At a stable, Joseph, Mary & baby, angels fly above all looking at the star.
The night sky is lit up by the brilliant star shining in the center of the page. This star is surrounded by a heavenly halo, and it appears to be guiding us to the familiar stable below. There are two figures of Joseph and Mary standing beside a manger that holds the infant Jesus. Fluttering around the trio are a group of angels, all of them gazing upon the guiding star. To complete the scene, perhaps one can add a soft yellow color to the star and a deep blue to the sky, since these colors will create contrast and highlight the importance of the star. For the stable, using different shades of brown and gray can easily help differentiate the wooden panels while keeping a cozy feel. The Baby Jesus and his parents can be colored with muted oranges, reds, and yellows, with a bit of detail here and there. To make the angels seem beautiful and graceful, try adding some pinks and purples around the wings and emphasizing their expressions. There is truly no wrong way to color this page and make it your own!