Snowman giving a gift coloring page

Snowman holds present, adorned w/carrot nose, coal eyes, branch mouth, & red hat w/white pom-pom.
This delightful snowman is standing and holding a colorful present in its stick arms. The snowman has a carrot nose, coal eyes, and a branch mouth. Its hat is red and decorated with a festive white pom-pom on top. To bring this design to life, use a range of colors to create a vibrant effect. Start by adding some blacks and whites to the snowman's body and face to give it a unique texture. Add in blues and purples for shadows, and oranges and yellows to brighten up the face and add vibrancy. The present should be colored in greens and reds, while paying close attention to the shading of the bow. You can also experiment with metallics to give the snowman a glamorous and festive feel. The colors you choose will help bring this coloring page to life and make it an enjoyable piece of art!