The snowman feeds the birds coloring page

Snowman is feeding birds; top hat, red scarf. Bluebird, yellow finch, robin, sparrow & cardinal.
This snowy scene depicts a jolly snowman adorned with a black top hat and a red scarf, standing amidst five feathered friends. The friendly snowman appears to be feeding his feathered friends, clutching a white bag in his left hand. A bluebird, a yellow finch, a robin, a sparrow, and a cardinal flap around him, beaks agape with anticipation. To color this picture, use snow-white, jet-black and warm red tones for the snowman, bright yellow and red shades for the cardinal, soft blues and greens for the other birds, and bright white for the snow. The stars in the sky and the fluffy snow-covered ground will look stunning in icy blues and mix of shiny silver and gold shimmer.