Cheerful snowman coloring page

A cheerful snowman, with arms outstretched and a big smile, enjoying the snow and winter weather.
This snowman is beaming with joy! Its big, warm smile, is accentuated by two little teepees of snow for its eyes, and its arms are outstretched in a welcoming embrace. The snowman almost looks like it's radiating happiness — just like someone who's contentedly enjoying the snow! To bring out the spirit of the snowman, I would suggest coloring it with cheerful, vibrant colors. A bright blue scarf wrapped around its neck and a multicolored pom-pom hat would give the snowman an energetic appearance. Light pink cheeks and a velvety, pastel-colored carrot nose would add warmth and life to this wintery figure. Additionally, decorating the snowman with a cheerful string of multi-colored Christmas lights would bring the snowman to life, making it look like it's jubilantly taking in all the wintery fun!