snowman coloring page

Three snowmen, one large and two small, have unique accessories: carrot nose, coal eyes, red/blue scarves and a black top hat.
This delightful winter scene features three smiling snowmen all made of white snow. The grand snowman in the center stands tall, with a carrot for a nose, coal for eyes, and a festive red scarf and black top-hat. The two smaller snowmen on either side of him are just as dashing; with white coal eyes, button noses, and beautiful blue scarves. To color this picture you could use cool blues, warm reds and blacks, some subtle yellow and orange tones, and a few accent colors to draw life into the snowmen. Layer and mix the colors to create textured areas, like using dark blues and purples to make shadows and highlights on the snowmen’s clothing. To make the snow shine, use white and silver to reduce the snow’s monotony and make the whole scene come alive!