spoke Turkish coloring page

Man stands at window, holds book in hand, wearing Turkish outfit; mustache & beard accentuates wise expression. #Turkey
This picture of a man standing at a window, looking out, book in hand and sporting a traditional Turkish outfit with mustache and beard is begging to be creatively colored. To capture the scene, I suggest using a light, warm yellow-orange tone for the background that will emphasize the general ambience of the image. On the foreground of the picture, use blue-purples to give a soothing feel to the picture, with some blues to bring out the color in the man's outfit and face. The beard could be highlighted with a deep red, with lighter shades of burgundy and even hints of emerald to signify wisdom and power in his age. To emphasize the book, you could use shades of golden yellow to draw attention to the literary piece. Finally, to create some texture and texture contrast, experiment with a range of orange-brown hues for the window frame and shades of gray for the various elements of the scene. With these colors, this coloring page will be a great way for the viewer to relax and explore a touch of culture.