Batman coloring page

A man stands screaming in a suit and black cape in the wind and rain, mask covering his eyes.
This coloring page portrays a mysterious man standing atop a building in a violent rainstorm. His black cape billows out behind him in the fierce wind, and a black mask clings to the front of his face. The mask obscures his eyes, making them unseen and unreadable. His mouth is open in an apparent cry of anguish, adding to the suspense of the scene. To color this page, I would suggest grey tones for the sky and rain, and a vibrant and deep black for the man's suit, mask, and cape. The individual rain drops in the sky can be shaded a lighter grey for contrast. His face should be white to really make his eyes, mouth, and other features pop. Lastly, the building and rooftops should be shaded with a dark brown or tan to really complete the scene.