Batman coloring page

3 figures in Batman costumes on a city street w/ tall buildings & a large black Bat symbol on yellow bg. Words
This coloring page features a cityscape at night, with Batman, Robin, and Batgirl standing in the foreground. The center of the page features a bright yellow background adorned with the iconic black Bat symbol. Above the symbol, the word "Batman" is written in bold black letters. In the foreground, Batman and Robin wear dark blue costumes with yellow accents, and Batgirl's costume is primarily yellow with blue accents. The background is a gradient of light and dark blue, setting the scene for a dramatic nighttime scenario. To bring out the bright yellow, you could color the Bat symbol and the word "Batman" using yellow and orange tones. The characters' costumes could be colored using dark blue and yellow, with Batgirl's costume having light and dark blue highlights. The background could be highlighted with a variety of blues, ranging from light to dark. You could also use white or black to create stars in the background or make parts of the cityscape look brighter. There are endless possibilities!