Saint santa coloring page

Santa is a jolly old man with a white beard, red suit, black boots & a sack of toys. He has a twinkle in his eye & a candy cane in hand.
This coloring page shows Santa Claus, a jolly elderly man with a robust white beard, wearing a bright red suit with white fur trim. He is wearing a pair of black boots and carrying a large sack of toys in one hand, and sweet candy cane in the other. His face is illuminated with a pleasant smile, while his eyes twinkle with excitement. I think the coloring scheme for this image should be vibrant and full of cheer. The suit, sack of toys, and candy cane could be a bright, deep red. Santa's face, beard, and boots should be carefully shaded with a lighter grey color, warm and inviting. Likewise, the white fur trim should be highlighted with a shimmery color, like silver or gold metallic ink. Finally, his eyes should be filled in with a bright twinkle of light, like yellow or aqua.