Santa Claus prepares gifts coloring page

Santa Claus is sorting gifts, looking for something specific with a concentrated expression.
Santa Claus is standing in a large workshop, surrounded by gifts of all shapes and sizes. He carefully examines each one, thoughtfully turning it over in his hands and looking each gift over with a keen eye. He appears to be searching for something specific, a task that he takes very seriously. His deep red coat contrasts against the wrapping paper of the gifts around him, his white beard and merry twinkle in his eye lending a cheerful atmosphere to the scene. To bring Santa to life on the page, be sure to use bright, vivid colors to maximize the cheer and excitement of the occasion. Bring warmth to Santa's coat and gifts by using shades of red and green, and be sure to make Santa's white beard and warm smile pop with a bright white hue. Finally, to capture the thrill of Christmas, use gold and silver on select areas to create a sparkling effect.