Glamorous girl coloring page

Beautiful girl with curly hair and blue eyes in pink dress, striped scarf, silver bracelet and pink flower in hair.
This lovely young lady is standing in a field of yellow daisies, her long, curly locks of hair cascading down to her waist and blooming bright blue eyes twinkling in the sunlight. She is wearing a soft pink dress and a blue and white striped scarf is draped around her neck. A delicate silver bracelet adorns her wrist and a beautiful pink flower is tucked into her hair for an extra touch of beauty. To bring this picture to life, we can begin by filling in her dress, scarf and flower with a variety of vibrant shades of pink and blue. Her bracelet would look exquisite with a few bold strokes of silver sparkles. The background too, can be filled with the lively hues of sunny yellows, magentas, and soft blues to reflect the beauty of the afternoon sky. Her skin can be lightly and gently shaded with warm earth tones and highlighted with light pink blush. Lastly, we can really make her eyes pop with bright buttons of sky blue and luscious lashes of dark charcoal.