Glamorous girl coloring page

Glamorous girl in pink dress, feather boa & pink hair standing on pink background - perfect coloring page! #coloringtime
This beautiful and glamorous girl stands out in her elegant pink dress and feathered boa, her long and curly hair matching the color of the background. Her big and bright eyes brim with excitement. A rosy hue adds an extra touch of youthful charm to her. To emphasize the color of the dress, use different shades of pink and black for the details such as the bodice and the ruffles of the skirt. Accentuate her curls and eyes with some lighter pink shades. Add some royal blue and lilac to the background for a touch of vibrancy. Finally, some golden highlights can be used to bring out the beauty of the dress and make it shine. With all this in mind, this will make an exquisite and colorful coloring page.