Glamorous girl coloring page

Young woman in pink dress, wavy hair and feathered boa seductively gazing with black eyeliner and lips, large hoop earrings.
This is an enchanting picture of a beautiful young woman. She is wearing a delicate pale pink dress with shimmering sequined trim, and she has a striking pink feather boa wrapped around her neck. She is gazing off to the side with a captivating expression, her eyes highlighted with deep black eyeliner. Her lips are painted an inky black, and she is adorned with an impressive pair of large hoop earrings. To bring out the subtle shades of pink, create a mauve background and add a lighter shade of pink to her clothing and the boa. Give her hair and skin a warm, honey tone and pick out silver accents for the sequins and earrings. You can then add some dramatic dark areas with a subtle deep purple or navy blue. Alternatively, you can try a softer color palette of blues, pinks, and purples to bring out her soft features.