Glamorous girl coloring page

A glamorous girl in pink with a purse and flower epitomizes the Lisa Frank Glamour Girl.
This coloring page features a beautiful Glamour Girl created by Lisa Frank. She has long golden locks and bright eyes, and is wearing a pink dress with a ruffle trim. Her hair is adorned with a big pink bow, and she is carrying a pale pink purse. To complete the look, she is holding a delicate pink flower in her hand. If you want to color this page, make sure you really emphasize the clothes, hair and accessories of the Glamour Girl. For the dress, try using shades of pink ranging from a soft blush to a rich magenta. To highlight her hair and the bow, use yellow for the strands and a different pink for the bow. For the purse and flower, pick lighter shades of pink that won't overpower the rest of the design. For the eyes and facial features, use bright colors that make the girl look vibrant. Finally, to add depth to the coloring page, add shadows to the design with darker shades of each color.