Glamorous girl coloring page

Glam girl with long hair wearing pink dress, pink bow and holding flower, the Lisa Frank Glamour Girl. #girly
This beautiful Lisa Frank Glamour Girl is ready for you to make her picture pop! Start with the dress by using shades of pink on the heart-shaped bodice and highlighting it with a bright fuchsia for extra sparkle. Color her long, flowing hair in subtle shades of blonde to create a soft cascade of locks. Use a dark rosy color for the pink bow in her hair and some warm hues to bring out the beauty of the pink flower she is holding. You can even fill in the background with some bold colors, like bright oranges and greens, to create an eye-catching display of colors. Bring out the colors in her dress and hair even more by adding some nice whites and shimmering pastel shades. Make sure you spend some time giving her a unique, stylish look – she’s ready to be the next star of your coloring page!