Horse coloring page

A horse stands in a grassy field, with lightbrown fur, a long mane and tail, dark brown hooves, and a blue sky with white clouds in the background.
This coloring page is a peaceful scene of a horse standing in a grassy field, surrounded by a bright blue sky with a few puffy white clouds. The horse itself is a light, sandy brown, with a darker brown outlining its muscular frame. Its tail and mane sweep out around it, with the mane especially being a darker brown than its body. Its hooves, too, are a darker shade. The field around the horse is a lush green, with small details like grass blades and slight hills thrown in. When it comes to coloring this picture, you could opt to give the horse a unique and vibrant shade, like a bright pink or blue. Alternatively, keep to natural tones, such as light and dark brown, to give off a more realistic feel. You could also use different shades of green to indicate differences between the grass and the trees in the background. To complete the picture, give the dark blue sky a few touches of white and yellow for a brighter effect.