Rocket and ball coloring page

A big green rocket and bright red ball float side-by-side in simple coloring pages. #Coloring #rocket #ball
In this cheerful coloring page featuring a rocket and a ball, the rocket is drawn in shades of green while the ball is a vibrant hue of red. The rocket is positioned vertically and a bright, red ball is suspended just beside it. To make the page look more interesting, you could vary the shades of green and red used - for instance, make the rocket with darker shades of green and the ball with lighter shades of red. Adding a touch of yellow or white to the rocket and ball respectively could make them pop out from the page. For a finishing touch, you could draw in the stars in the night sky surrounding the rocket, or create a wispy white cloud to place the objects in a day atmosphere. With a bit of imagination, this simple page could be transformed into a beautiful landscape.