Pinocchio riding a cock coloring page

Pinocchio riding a yellow, feathered cock, flying over a green landscape with trees, river, and castle. Face determined.
Pinocchio is embracing his chance of freedom and adventure, taking the reins of this yellow cock and trusting it to carry him far above the world. He has a determined look in his eye and a sense of purpose about him, as if he can defy the laws of gravity and reach new heights. Beneath him, a scenic landscape of rolling hills, a crystal blue river and a majestic castle spread out in the distance. How can you bring the story of Pinocchio and his magical journey to life? For the sky, you could use lively blues, lavender, and celestial hues. For the land, bring out all the colors of the earth with rich, verdant greens and the bright colors of the trees. The cock can be painted yellow and orange, radiating the warmth of the sun. And finally, our hero Pinocchio should be in the center of it all, dressed in a classic red vest and hat, with dark wooden tones for his long nose and curly black hair.