Gene and telescope coloring page

Two people looking at a forest through a telescope, on a hill. The man is wearing blue and jeans, the boy white shirt and shorts. #ColoringPage
The man and the boy on the coloring page are standing on the crest of a hill, with a lush forest behind them. The man has dark hair and is wearing a blue shirt and jeans. The boy has light brown hair and is wearing a white shirt and shorts. Between them, the man is holding a telescope. Both of them have a look of wonder and awe as they peer through the scope, taking in the beautiful scenery around them. To colour this scene, I would opt for warm and inviting earthy tones. I would choose oranges, pinks and browns for the the trees in the background, with the man and boy set against a bright blue sky and a hint of green for the grass beneath them. The telescope would be grey, and the man and boy's clothing could be white and blue respectively. This would create a pleasant and calming picture which would look great in any room.