Barboskin Kid coloring page

Barboskin kid with orange eyes, green body wears red shirt & blue pants. Holding red baseball bat with red backpack. #coloringpage
This coloring page features an adorable Barboskin kid. He has large orange eyes and a greenish body that’s covered by a bright red shirt and blue pants. A red backpack hangs off his back while he holds a red baseball bat in his hands. To bring out the vibrant colors of the page, we recommend using an array of bright colors. Start off with the reds - use a deep red for his shirt and a lighter, more vibrant red for his backpack, baseball, and eyes. Then, give the kid a greenish hue with a shade of green for the body and for the background of the page. The blue pants can be given a deep blue, and lightly shade the edges with a bright blue to add dimension. Finish off the page with touches of yellow, orange and other colors to give your page depth and vibrancy.