Papa Barboskin coloring page

Pear-shaped man holding gold watch, balding on top, small eyes, brown coat & matching hat, pursed mouth looking deep in thought.
In the center of this page rests a large, pear shaped man with a small, pursed mouth. He is balding on top, accentuated by his long thin mustache, and he looks deep in thought. Across his body lies a warm, brown coat and broad-brimmed matching hat. His right hand is held steady, grasping a large golden watch. His small beady eyes gaze downward, it is as if he's embedded in the past. To color in this picture, use a combination of warm and neutral colors. The color palette could include shades of brown and gold for the man’s coat and watch, as well as soft blues and greens for the background. A pop of light orange or peach could add life to the man’s face while a bright yellow could light up his eyes. With this, we can bring the figure of the man in the center to life!