Fun coloring page

Large ship w/ many decks, people inside & out, sails, engines. Flying over a city. #travel
This vibrant coloring page features an extraordinary flying ship. It's huge, with multiple levels and people peeking out of the windows. The majestic vessel sports large sails and mechanical engines that power its flight above a sprawling city below. To add color and life to the page, you can choose bold shades for the sails, using bright oranges and purples to create a majestic and mystical look. The mechanical elements can be painted with dark blues and grays for a clean, futuristic style. The cityscape below should be composed of warm hues, from pinks to warm yellows. Make sure to add plenty of detail to the different sections of the city, with teeming vegetation and striking architecture. Finally, you can use light and airy colors to paint the people within the ship and along its decks, creating a scene of lively activity.