Zero and cog coloring page

Two Fixies, Zero & Cog, wear blue overalls. Zero is holding a book & pencil; Cog is holding a hammer. Together they stand on a table.
On this coloring page a scene is depicted of two Fixies named Zero and Cog. They look quite content as they stand side by side on top of a table. Zero is adorned in his blue overalls and holds a book in one hand and a pencil in the other. Cog, similarly outfitted in his blue overalls, holds a hammer close to his chest. To give the scene a vibrant feel, I would suggest shading in the overalls with a lighter blue and coloring both Zero and Cog's faces with a yellow hue. I would then add a bright red for the hammer and book and draw small signifying lines with a dark blue to bring out the details of the scene. Finally, some light green can be used to color the tabletop, adding a light and cheerful atmosphere to the coloring page.