Mowgli is growing fast coloring page

Mowgli is an adventurous young boy growing up in the wild. He's curious, exploring and learning new things every day. #TheJungleBook
Mowgli is a charming young boy with an adventurous spirit, and it would be fun to bring him to life through color. For his hair, a deep brown or black color will work, with lighter streaks to give him a more natural look. His eyes could be as vibrant and curious as he is, use a tone of blue to give him a piercing gaze. His skin should have a warm hue, with golden shades adding a soft glow of youth. To give the page more life, add in a few grassy greens for the background. Bright yellow should be used to bring out the joy in Mowgli's smile. Finally, if you want to add in a bit of magic, use a few light pinks and purples to add a sparkle of mischievousness to the scene.